Scalpel Blade Remover

Remove, contain and dispose of used blades with the single-handed ABR-100 technique. No fingers, no forceps, no re-sheathing and no injuries.

ABR-100 deploys the innovative patent pending Uniflex technology that simply lifts and traps the heel of a blade, then safely removes and contains the blade.

ABR-100, the world's first single-handed universal blade remover removes all sizes and shapes of blades from all sizes and shapes of BP scalpel handles.

Descriptions Details
Product code ABR-100U
Colour Yellow
Blade capacity Average 100 blades, up to 200 for smaller blades (e.g. blade #10). "FULL" lines on both sides of ABR-100 will indicate when maximum capacity is reached.*1
Compatibility All shapes and sizes of BP blades and handles. *2
Incompatibility Non BP handles and blades.
Size per unit Length 130mm, width 60mm, height 45mm.
Weight Approximately 100 gm when empty.
Accessories Mounting bracket included. The brackat holds the ABR-100 in place to enable the single-handed removal of scalpel blades.
Materials ABS (acrylonitrite butadiene styrene)and PP (Polypropylene).
Latex No.
Sterile No.
Re-usable No. Dispose of ABR-100 on reaching 'FULL' line indicator.
Disposal method Dispose of in a sharps container. Please follow your establishment's procedures for the disposal of such waste.
Regulatory/ Standards AS/NZS 3825:1998 “Procedures and devices for the removal and disposal of scalpel from scalpel handles”.

*1: Blade capacity varies depending on the sizes of blades contained.
*2: Some brands may not work with Aunex ABR-100.
