Scalpel Blade Remover

Remove, contain and dispose of used blades with the single-handed ABR-100 technique. No fingers, no forceps, no re-sheathing and no injuries.

ABR-100 deploys the innovaative patent pending Uniflex technology that simply lift and trap the heel of a blade, then safely remove and contain the blade.

ABR-100, the world's first single-handed universal blade remover removesall sizes and shapes of blades from all sizes and shapes of BP scalpel handles.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can ABR-100 take more than 100 blades?

ABR-100 takes averagely 100 blades. It can take up to 200 smaller blades such as Bladle #10. Do also note that it will less than 100 of those very big pathology and grafting blades. Users should stop using ABR-100 when the "FULL" line indicator is reached.

Questions on the use of brackets

It is important that ABR-100 is wall- or bench-mount when in use. Hence every ABR-100 is bundled with a bracket. Install a new bracket only on a new location or when, for whatever reasons, an old bracket needs replacement. Do seek tecnical help to install bracket on the wall as every wall is differnt in structure and finish. Special fasteners may be necessary and they are not included.

How do I dispose of a used ABR-100

Consult your organisation's operating procedure on disposal of sharps and medical waste. Dispose of filled ABR-100 as medical waste in a sharps container.